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Racquetball & Wallyball

The Edwardsville YMCA offers Racquetball and Wallyball!

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Daily & Annual Prices

Daily Prices

Mission (Full Privilege) Members: FREE
Part Of The Cause (Basic) Members $5/person
Non-Members $15/person


Court can only be reserved 1 week in advance for a maximum of 2 hours in a row.

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Did you know...

  • Racquetball was invented in 1950 at the Greenwich, Connecticut YMCA by Joe Sobek.
  • It is an easy activity to learn!
  • Burns 200 to 400 calories per hour while building cardio-respiratory & muscular endurance.
  • Provides a challenge as the game requires skill, accuracy, strategy, and agility.

Racquetball Court Rentals

The Niebur (Esic) Center racquetball court is available for rental each day of the week. Courts may be reserved seven days in advance. Reservations can be made at the YMCA service desk, over the phone or online. The court will be held for 15 minutes following the reserved time, after which the reservation will be cancelled for use by someone else.

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Safety & Equipment

Please bring your own safety gear, racquets and fresh racquetballs, as we can’t guarantee the front desk will have these to loan when needed. Always play it safe and follow the safety rules, using eye protection, wrist straps and calling “hinder” to avoid injuries.

Participants must be 12 or older to play. 12 to 17 year olds must wear protective eyewear.

Free Saturday Morning “Members Only” Challenge Court

The racquetball court is reserved every Saturday morning from 7:00–10:00 AM as a challenge court for use by members only at no charge!


This awesome sport adds a whole new dimension to the exciting game of Volleyball. The general concepts of Wallyball are very similar to indoor volleyball and can be played in the YMCA racquetball courts. Wallyball provides the element of surprise as an ordinary volley can go in many directions when spiking the ball off the walls.

Mission Members: FREE
Part Of The Cause (Basic) Members $5/person
Non-Members $15/person

Contact the service desk at 618.656.0436 or visit our website for more information about racquetball & wallyball.

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Edwardsville YMCA