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Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States!
It is a fun, relatively easy to play game providing good exercise to all. This all-ages, co-ed game is played both inside and out; combining the elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong using paddles to hit a perforated plastic ball over the net. Games can be played in singles or doubles.

Nick Walker, Director of Sports & Recreation
Email: nwalker@edwymca.com • Phone: 618-655-1460 x 2231

Open Pickleball

We offer Pickleball in our Skate Center at the Meyer Center & in the Gymnasium at our Niebur Center. For more information please call 618.655.1460 (Meyer) or 618.656.0436 (Niebur).

Pickleball League

Pickleball League *NEW*

Join our Fall Pickleball League today! In this league, we will have both a Beginner/Intermediate & an Advanced division. League play will be on Monday nights from 5pm – 7pm starting on October 7th (no games October 14th). Both divisions will have a 10 week season that includes 2 matches each night. The last night of the season will be a single elimination tournament where we will crown our champions who will receive Champion Shirts! Pricing for each division is $50 per individual or $100 per team. When completing registration below, please indicate your partners name & your team name for when the schedule is made, as well as which division you would like to be placed in. Please remember, both members of your team must complete registration. This league will be housed on our all new platform (IMLeagues) that will provide scheduling, and update standings throughout the season! Players will be contacted to get added to their team page where they will access their schedule and standings for the season.  Games may also be played on Tuesday evenings if needed! If you have any other questions, please contact our Director of Sports & Recreation, Nick Walker at nwalker@edwymca.com.

Registration: September 1st – 29th
League: October 7th – December 16th (No Games Oct. 14th)
Monday • 5:00 – 7:00pm • Meyer Skate Center
Individually $50 • Team Of 2 Fee $100

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Pickleball Lessons

Let’s Learn To Play Pickleball!

Lessons taught by PPR (Professional Pickleball Registry) Certified Instructor, Bob Biarkis

Looking to elevate your game to the next level? Sign up below for Pickleball Lessons with our PPR certified instructor Bob Biarkis. Bob has an extensive history with the game, and years of experience both playing and instructing.  As an instructor, Bob loves to help both new and experienced players grow their skills on the court.

If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Sports and Recreation Nick Walker at nwalker@edwymca.com.

Pickleball Lessons (Beginner Series)

Interested in jumping into the fastest-growing sport of Pickleball? Sign up below for Pickleball Lessons with our PPR-certified instructor Bob Biarkis.  Bob has an extensive history with the game, and years of experience both playing and instructing.  As an instructor, Bob loves to help both new and experienced players grow their skills on the court.  For our beginner players, this series focuses on learning the game through basic court movement, developing skills, and furthering the understanding of the game. All lessons will be group lessons of 3-4 at the Meyer Center. Unlike our intermediate/advanced lessons, these groups will meet consecutively for three weeks to ensure proper development!  Please fill out registration below, and your information will be shared with Bob to square away a date and time for your lesson!  If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Director of Sports and Recreation Nick Walker at nwalker@edwymca.com.

Members: $60 • Non-Members: $90

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Pickleball Lessons (Intermediate/Advanced)

Looking to elevate your game to the next level? Sign up below for Pickleball Lessons with our PPR certified instructor Bob Biarkis. Bob has an extensive history with the game, and years of experience both playing and instructing.  As an instructor, Bob loves to help both new and experienced players grow their skills on the court.  For our more experienced players, these skills will be fine tuned with an emphasis on court movement, point building, and a deeper dive into strategy. All lessons will be group lessons of 3-4 at the Meyer Center.   Please fill out registration below, and your information will be shared with Bob to square away a date and time for your lesson!  If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Director of Sports and Recreation Nick Walker at nwalker@edwymca.com or our Coordinator of Sports and Recreation Bill Kobler at bkobler@edwymca.com

Members: $20 • Non-Members: $30

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Edwardsville YMCA