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Community Challenge

Join us this September in creating and sustaining lasting habits to strengthen your spirit, mind, and body.

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The Community Challenge

The Community Challenge is a free program for members and the community offered this September. You can create and sustain lasting habits that strengthen your spirit, mind, and body.

Week 1: Spirit

Our Week 1 will be filled with things that help the Spirit for September 5th – 11th.

Volunteer Opportunity - Main Street Community Center

During the Community Challenge, we are asking you to volunteer and the Main Street Community Center is a great place to do just that! They offer a variety of programs and services to seniors in our area! Learn more from Sara & Jessica about what they offer and how you can volunteer to help!

Volunteer Opportunity - Restore Decor

During our Spirit Week,  we wanted to highlight Restore Decor as a great place to volunteer in Edwardsville! They bring people together and raise money for good causes right here in our community. If you are looking for a place to volunteer for the challenge, this is a perfect spot!
Note: They were set to reopen their shop on 2nd Street this weekend, but have to delay due to the ongoing road construction. They will be open on September 10th at their warehouse location (200 Second Avenue) for furniture donations. Please visit their social pages or website for more information on how to volunteer!

I'm Grateful For

We know it can be easy to focus on things that are not going right – the check engine light is on, I didn’t get the bonus or job I wanted, etc. Don’t let those things get you down. Take the time to reflect on all the things in your life that you are grateful for!

Random Acts Of Kindness

Do something nice for someone in your life or even a stranger!

Week 2: Mind

Our Week 2 will be filled with things that help the Mind for September 12th – 18th.

Learn More About Meditation With Ruth

Is it time for the kids to go to sleep? Did you have a rough day at work? Ruth is here to help relieve your stress with some a mini meditation session. Set everything aside and relax you mind!

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Learn A New Language

Always wanted to learn a new language? Now is the time!

According to Forbes these are the best language apps out there:

Extra Apps:

Reduced Tech Week

Take some time each day to step away from all of the screens in our life. Put down the phones & remotes! Just family fun or time for yourself!

Sleep Journal

Use this sleep journal to track your sleep for the week.

Week 3: Body

Our Week 3 will be filled with things that help the Body for September 19th – 25th.


One of the best workouts to get your heart rate up in a short amount of time is a TABATA. Our Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor, Lara Collmann, will show you some exercises to complete TABATA for your next workout!


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Stretching Tips & Core Workout

Our Personal Trainer, Dave Dias has some helpful stretches and core exercises for when you are in the fitness center or even at home. Use this video as a resource for your workout routine!


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Proper Lifting Tips

Have you just started lifting weights? Or maybe you want to make sure you have the proper form, our Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor, Lara Collmann is back with proper lifting tips on squats, chest press and rows. Be sure to check it out before your next workout!

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Zoom With A Trainer

Have some fitness questions you’ve been wanting to talk about with a trainer? We have a perfect opportunity! Our Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor, Lara Collmann, will be Zooming on Wednesday, September 21st at 7:30pm. Take what you learn and apply it to your routine and the Community Challenge.

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Nutrition Tips From Our Dietitian

Do you have questions about nutrition? Our registered dietitian, Jen Zuercher is here with some helpful tips and information about what you should be eating, fad diets and even scheduling an appointment to achieve your goals.

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Week 4: For All

Our Week 4 will be filled with things that are For All for September 26th – 30th.

Share The Y

Do you have friends, family or neighbors that aren’t members of the Edwardsville YMCA? Did you know you both could save when they join? Our new Share The Y program will do just that!

At the Y, you’re a member of something special: the nation’s leading nonprofit dedicated to youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. You are able to get a good workout, make new friends and help your community! We appreciate your continued support of the Edwardsville YMCA.


  1. As a current Edwardsville YMCA member, you invite a friend, family member or neighbor to join by giving them a referral card. You can get the cards at the Front Desk.
  2. Your friend, family member or neighbor brings the referral card to the front desk when they join.

  3. Once they join, and stay members for at least two months, both of you receive a free month of membership! (See full rules below.)


  • Current Y members receive one free month for each new referred membership unit sold.
  • A member can refer up to six new memberships for a total of up to six free months per calendar year. If you are a new member who joined because of a referral, you can invite up to five more new members for a total of six free months per calendar year.

  • The free month of membership applies to the amount the current or new member pays out-of-pocket. For example, if a current member receives scholarship from the Y, they receive a free month for the amount they pay out-of-pocket.

  • Current members must belong to the Edwardsville YMCA.

  • The new member must keep their membership active for a minimum of 2 consecutive months from the joining date in order for both parties to receive the free month.
  • If the new member is waiting to be approved for financial assistance, the current member does not receive a free month until the person activates their financial assistance membership and remains active for 2 consecutive months.

  • Current members who paid a year up-front and refer someone will receive the credit amount toward his or her next membership renewal.


  • New memberships must be mission membership types only. Adding members onto a current membership is not eligible for this promotion.
  • The new member must keep their membership active for a minimum of 2 consecutive months from the joining date in order to receive the free month.

  • If the new member is a former member of the Y, he or she must have canceled the membership a minimum of 180 days ago.

  • New members must join the Edwardsville YMCA.

  • The new member must notify the Y Service Desk of the referral at the time of joining.

  • This offer is not retroactive if a referred member joined and did not present the referral card at the time of joining.

  • If a new member joins during a Y membership promotion time, the current member will receive a free month for the referral and the new member will receive the benefit offered during the promotion or the free month. The new member will not be able to receive both promotions.


  • This special is only valid when a current member of the Edwardsville YMCA refers a new member to the Edwardsville YMCA.

  • The free month of membership applies to the amount the current or new member pays out-of-pocket. For example, if a current member receives scholarship from the Y, they receives a free month for the amount they pays out-of-pocket.

  • The Y will issue no cash back for this promotion. If the member terminates their membership or loses membership privileges before receiving their free month(s), they will lose those free months.

  • The Y reserves the right to deny a free month(s) if the referral program appears to be abused by either the new or current member. The spirit of the program is to reward true referrals.

Finding Balance

Alex Howlett offers some tips to Balance Your Spirit, Mind & Body

• Get At Least 15 Minutes Of Moderate To Fast-Paced Exercise Each Day
• Read & Learn Often
• Meditate Regularly
• Practice Yoga
• Spend Time Outside
• Fuel Your Passions
• Listen To Music Often
• Be Grateful
• Be Kind To Everyone
• Get Enough Sleep Each Night
• Detoxify Your Beauty Routine
• Let Go Of The Little Things
• Slow Down
• Stop People Pleasing
• Avoid Gossip & Drama
• Laugh Often
• Avoid Sitting For Extended Periods Of Time
• Get Harsh Chemical Cleaners Out Of Your House
• Find A Career Path That Is Meaningful To You
• Cut Major Source Of Stress Out Of Your Life
• Travel & Learn About Other Cultures
• Forgive Yourself For Your Past Mistakes
• Opt For Natural Remedies Whenever You Can
• Add More Plant-Based Foods To Your Diet
• Get Involved In A Volunteer Organization Or Activism Group

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Edwardsville YMCA