3 adults working out on bikes

Closing At 3pm 12/22/22 & Reopening At 9am 12/23/22

Due to the predicted precipitation, frigid temperatures and expected wind chills, for the safety of the Edwardsville YMCA staff and members only a few days away from Christmas, both the Meyer & Niebur Centers will close today at 3:00pm on Thursday, December 22nd and reopen at 9:00am on Friday, December 23rd.

Edwardsville YMCA members over 18 that have already registered for and received your individual 24/7 pass may utilize the Niebur Center Fitness Center at your own risk.

We will continue to monitor the conditions in the morning and will let you know if there are any delays to our 9:00am opening. Please check back on your email, our website or Facebook page. Please use caution as you travel to and from the Y.

Edwardsville YMCA