Child with hands on paper heart - Edwardsville YMCA

City Coalition Helping Non-Profits

Our initiative is to assist community non-profit organizations as they serve those in need through the COVID-19 pandemic. We know that this is a fluid and ever changing environment. We will need to adapt as things progress and work collaboratively for the greater good of the community.

Child with hands on paper heart - Edwardsville YMCA

While our world is navigating this unprecedented time, we continue to look for areas to make positive impacts in our community. Our initiative is to assist community non-profit organizations as they serve those in need throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

In order to streamline communication, minimize oversights and duplication of efforts, the Edwardsville YMCACity of EdwardsvilleEdwardsville Public Library and Main Street Community Center have partnered together to form a “City Coalition” to help connect the needs of nonprofits with community resources.

Non-Profits And Those Looking To Help Should Contact:

Area Nonprofits Contact:
Natasha Howard at

Individuals & Groups Interested In Donating Time, Money, Goods or Services Contact:
Jessica Johnson at

If you would like to be placed on our donor/volunteer list, please fill out this form. Once we find a need in our community, we will give that organization your contact information so they can collaborate with you directly.

Edwardsville YMCA