"Children and recreation, group of happy multiethnic school kids playing tug-of-war with rope in city park. Summer camp fun"

Summer Camp

There’s something about summer camp memories that stick with us forever. The friendships we make, the skills we learn, and the confidence we build last long after the summer ends. The Edwardsville YMCA is proud of its long summer camp tradition which continues in 2024! We will be building on our 55+ years of experience as an expert summer camp resource, committed to providing a high-quality, age-appropriate experience for your children with a wide range of activities and adventures to enjoy.

View Our Specialty Camps ›

Registration & More


Registration for 2024 kicks off at 6:00am March 4th for members and March 18th for non-members.

We are encouraging online registration!

Weekly Summer Camp Registration Update
The last day to register for camp weeks is the Thursday before!

  • Week 1 (starts 5/28) • Last Day To Register Is Thursday, May 23rd
    Week 2 (starts 6/3) • Last Day To Register Is Thursday, May 30th
    Week 3 (starts 6/10) • Last Day To Register Is Thursday, June 6th
  • …And So Forth Thru The End Of Camp

If you choose to register in person, please bring:

  • Copy of Immunization Records (NOTE: IL State Law requires the YMCA to collect immunization records from each Summer Camper)
  • Credit/debit card to enroll in automatic draft REQUIRED (checking account drafts require a voided check to be attached)
  • $35 non-refundable deposit per week per child REQUIRED
  • There are a limited number of spaces per grade level. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you register for all your weeks at once to guarantee a spot for your child.
Register Online! ›

Age & Grade Requirements

Campers must be a minimum age of 5 AND be exiting Kindergarten, while Teens must be no older than 14 AND exiting 8TH grade (entering freshman year). All campers must be potty trained and be able to change into and out of their swim wear independently. For campers with special needs that are older than 14, you will need approval from the camp director and building director. Campers 18 years of age or older are restricted from attending camp.


If medication is necessary during camp hours, the medication, along with a doctor’s note, must be given to the camp nurse by the parent in its original packaging. Campers may not keep prescription or over-the-counter medications with them. Medication forms are available at the Service Desk.

Campers With Special Needs

If your camper has special needs and you believe they will need extra assistance please email our Camp Director, Jason Maclin at camp@edwymca.com to schedule a meeting.
We try to accommodate campers’ special needs whenever possible and would love to meet with you before registration to discuss potential accommodations. For campers with special needs that are older than 14, you will need approval from the camp director and building director. Campers 18 years of age or older are restricted from attending camp.

Camp Attire

Due to the high level of physical activity involved in camp every day, we require campers to wear comfortable, closed-toed athletic shoes with socks.


A camp shirt, which should we worn on Fridays, is included in the registration fee.

We will provide roller skates for campers or they may bring their skates from home.

Campers swim multiple times a week & need to bring their swimwear, towel & sunscreen.


  • Monday & Wednesday
    • Kindergarten, 2nd & 4th grade
  • Tuesday & Thursday
    • 1st, 3rd & 5th grade
  • Monday – Thursday
    • Teen Camp: 6th, 7th & 8th grade

Drop Off & Pick Ups

Campers may arrive any time after 7:00AM. Campers must be signed out by a parent or guardian by 6:00PM. As a reminder, if you do not pick up your child by 6:00PM, you will be charged $1/min until 6:05PM & then $5/min after that.

For the safety of your camper, guardians must sign their camper in and out each and every time they come to camp.

Campers can be dropped off and picked up on the tennis courts side (right side) like last year. Parents will have to come up to a table by the door to drop off and pick up their camper. A desk staff employee will call for their child and bring them to the entrance of the tennis courts. The major switch is parents parking and coming to the door to drop off and pick up their camper.

Valid photo ID is required by anyone picking a child up from camp.

Anyone picking up a child from camp MUST be on the child’s authorized pick up list.

Ask a staff member or director and we will happily address your questions/concerns.

Camp Weeks & Themes

The Edwardsville YMCA Summer Camps have provided thousands of children in our community with a camp experience they never forget. We offer a very active on-site day camp, held at the 116,000 square foot Meyer Center, for children from Kindergarten to fifth grade, a Teen Adventure Camp for sixth through eighth graders, and a variety of preschool camps at our Niebur facility. We will be offering a wide range of activities that you have come to expect along with exciting new opportunities to enhance your summer camp experience. Each Friday has a special event or field trip and if that isn’t enough, we also offer over 85 specialty camps for everyone to enjoy!

Summer Camp is a passion of the YMCA and we hope your children become enriched over the summer to explore new areas where they can build a passion, uncover a hidden talent, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Weekly Themes

1 May 28th – 31st
4 days
It’s Summertime!
2 June 3rd – 7th Support Local
3 June 10th – 14th Zoo Animals
4 June 17th – 21st When I Grow Up
5 June 24th – 28th Show Great Character
6 July 1st – 5th*
4 days | No July 4th
Holidays In July
7 July 8th – 12th Team Spirit!
8 July 15th – 19th Beach Week
9 July 22nd – 26th Wacky Wednesday
10 July 29th – August 2nd Lazy Summer Days
11 August 5th – 9th Back To School!

Weekly Summer Camp Registration Update
The last day to register for camp weeks is the Thursday before!

  • Week 1 (starts 5/28) • Last Day To Register Is Thursday, May 23rd
    Week 2 (starts 6/3) • Last Day To Register Is Thursday, May 30th
    Week 3 (starts 6/10) • Last Day To Register Is Thursday, June 6th
  • …And So Forth Thru The End Of Camp

Arrival & Dismissal

Campers may arrive any time after 7:00AM. Campers must be signed out by a parent or guardian by 6:00PM. As a reminder, if you do not pick up your child by 6:00PM, you will be charged $1/min until 6:05PM & then $5/min after that. For the safety of your camper, guardians must sign their camper in and out each and every time they come to camp..

  • Campers can be dropped off and picked up on the tennis courts side (right side) like last year. Parents will have to come up to a table by the door to drop off and pick up their camper. A desk staff employee will call for their child and bring them to the entrance of the tennis courts. The major switch is parents parking and coming to the door to drop off and pick up their camper.
  • Valid photo ID is required by anyone picking a child up from camp.
  • Anyone picking up a child from camp MUST be on the child’s authorized pick up list.

Ask a staff member or director and we will happily address your questions/concerns.

Field Trips & Lunches

Field Trips

Field trips are usually scheduled on Fridays and campers are grouped as follows:

  • Kindergarten & 1st grade
  • 2nd & 3rd grades
  • 4th & 5th grades

Trip details, departure times and other information will be provided the week of the scheduled trip. A list is available at the camp/service desks and online.

Field Trip Weeks By GradeKindergarten & 1st Grade2nd & 3rd Grade4th & 5th GradeTeen Adventure (6th-8th)
May 31stNo Field TripNo Field TripNo Field TripNo Field Trip
June 7thTownship ParkTownship ParkTownship ParkTownship Park
June 14thSt. Louis ZooSt. Louis ZooSt. Louis ZooSt. Louis Zoo
June 21stMad Science
Mad Science
Science CenterScience Center
June 28thMovie (TBD)Movie (TBD)Movie (TBD)Movie (TBD)
July 5thEdisonsEdisonsThe EdgeThe Edge
July 12thWater Day (Staycation)Water Day (Staycation)Water Day (Staycation)Water Day (Staycation)
July 19thGrants FarmGrants FarmCollinsville Aqua ParkCollinsville Aqua Park
July 26thScience CenterScience CenterMad Science
Mad Science
July 31stCarnival Day
Carnival Day
Carnival Day
Carnival Day
August 9thNo Field TripNo Field TripNo Field TripNo Field Trip

Snacks, Lunch & Menu

A morning and afternoon snack are provided to the campers Monday – Friday. The PM snack Monday – Thursday & the AM/PM snacks on Friday are included in the weekly cost of camp. Lunches and the Monday – Thursday AM snack are provided at no cost to our campers through our new Summer Food Program.

Campers have two options to choose from at snack time, or they may bring their own from home. Lunches may also be brought from home, but campers will not have microwave or refrigerator access, nor permitted to access the vending machines/concessions. A cold drink is provided at no cost during lunch

Look for our weekly menu online and emailed in our weekly newsletter.

Week 1 Menu

Week 1MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Main DishChicken Nuggets
Slice of Bread
Hot DogFish Sticks
Slice of Bread
Corn DogsTurkey/Cheese Sandwich
SideApple Slices
(Fruit Of The Day)
(Fruit Of The Day)
(Fruit Of The Day)
(Fruit Of The Day)
SideCarrots W/ Ranch
(Vegetable Of The Day)
Cucumber Slices W/ Ranch
(Vegetable Of The Day)
Side Salad
(Vegetable Of The Day(
(Fruit Of The Day)
Celery Sticks
(Vegetable Of The Day)
DrinkMilk or WaterMilk or WaterMilk or WaterMilk or WaterMilk or Water
AM SnackBananas & Whole Grain CerealYogurt & Apple SlicesString Cheese & Whole Grain CrackersNurti-Grain Bars & GrapesFriday Favorites
PM Snack Option 1Cheeze ItsPringlesChex MixChipsFriday Favorites
PM Snack Option 2Skinny Pop (Variety Packs)Rice KrispiesSkinny Pop (Variety Packs)Rice KrispiesFriday Favorites
Weeks: May28, June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5

Week 2 Menu

Week 2MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Main DishChicken Nuggets
Slice Of Bread
Mini Corn DogChicken SandwichFrench Toast Sticks
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
SideApple Slices
(Fruit Of The Day)
(Fruit Of The Day)
Yogurt & Cheese StickApplesauce
(Fruit Of The Day)
SideCarrots W/ Ranch
(Vegetable Of The Day)
(Fruit Of The Day)
Side Salad
(Vegetable Of The Day)
Apple Slices
(Fruit Of The Day)
Celery Sticks
(Vegetable Of The Day)
DrinkMilk Or WaterMilk Or WaterMilk Or WaterMilk Or WaterMilk Or Water
AM SnackString Cheese & PineappleBananas & Whole Grain
Yogurt & StrawberriesGrapes & Goldfish CrackersFriday Favorites
PM Snack Option 1Oreo MinisGold FishVeggie StrawsChocolate Chip CookiesFriday Favorites
PM Snack Option 2Skinny Pop (Variety Packs)Rice KrispiesSkinny Pop (Variety Packs)Rice KrispiesFriday Favorites
Weeks: June 3, June 17, July 1, July 15, July 29

Financial Information

Fee Structure

Weekly Fee (5 Day Week) $190 Weekly Fee (5 Day Week) $260
Deposit $35 Deposit $35
Weekly Draft $155 Weekly Draft $225

There is not a multiple child discount for Non-Members! A Great reason for your family to become members! Note: Discount will not automatically come off when signing up for camp!

Weekly Fee (Per Add. Child) $171
Deposit $35
Weekly Draft $136

Holiday Weeks & Food:

Holiday/4 Day Weeks:

Members $117
Multiple Child Discount $97
Non-Members $165


For YMCA staffing and safety ratio compliance purposes, we require a $35 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit per child, per registered week. The remainder of the week’s camp fee will be automatically drafted from your designated account on the Friday before the week(s) that your child attends camp.

Payment Policy

Required Weekly Bank/Debit/Credit Card Draft

We require weekly day camp fees to be automatically withdrawn from a checking account or debit/credit card. The remaining fee (minus deposit) will be deducted directly from your checking or credit/debit card account on the Friday before each week reserved.

Keep Payments Up To Date

Please keep your card & bank information on file up to date. Declined/expired card transactions or cases of insufficient funds will be assessed a $15 bank handling fee.

Any changes to automatic withdrawal must be received at the Meyer Center no later than close on the Wednesday prior to the week that your child will be attending.

Campers with an outstanding balance due to a declined automatic draft will not be able to attend camp.

Changes To Registered Weeks

Deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE; however, they may be transferred from one
week to another by contacting the Camp Billing Director, Angie Pence via email at apence@edwymca.com. Spaces are not always guaranteed as spots fill up quickly.

Camp week transfers must be submitted by the Wednesday prior to week of requested change.

A $15 fee applies to each camp week transfer request submitted.

Refund Policy

If you are withdrawing from weekly camp, you must contact the Camp Billing Director, Angie Pence via email (apence@edwymca.com.) If you paid for your weekly camp in full this is the refund policy:

  • 100% Refund (Minus $10 processing fee & $35 deposit): Request made 8 days before the start of that week of camp.
  • 50% Refund: Request made 1 – 7 days before week of camp.
  • No Refund: Request made the day of or after the 1ST day of that week of camp.

Financial Assistance

We do accept CHASI as a form of payment. Written approval from the CHASI office will be required before the child starts camp. Please submit your CHASI application as soon as possible because approval can take several weeks. Campers using CHASI as payment can only attend the number of days approved by CHASI. Additional days must be paid for by the family separately.

We require that you put a $35 deposit per child per week (refundable upon approval). If you are denied CHASI & still would like assistance with payment, please fill out a Y Camp Financial Assistance Form available at the Service Desk at both our Meyer & Niebur Centers.

Teen Adventure Camp


We offer Teen Adventure Camp for those campers that have completed 6th, 7th & 8th grades. It allows teens to take responsibility for themselves & become confident, trustworthy members of our adult community.

The teens begin each day in their private recreational area then they will plan their day with their friends by choosing from a variety of activities. Our teen campers also have opportunities to have more freedom to build responsibility and management skills; not to mention other fun traditions like the cardboard boat regatta!

Private Recreational Area Amenities
Lounge • Four Square • Ping Pong • Pool Table • Big-Screen TV With Video Games & Movies

Variety Of Activities 
Skating • Gymnastics • Swimming • Sports • And More!

Teen lunches and snacks are included with camp registration and through our new food program.

We have a few Special Teen Thursday events that include walking field trip to Culvers, Teen Cookout and Counselor Vs. Teens Volleyball Match! The teen’s field trips are traditionally taken every Friday to places such as The Edge, The Zoo & Edison’s.

Don’t be bored at home this summer – come join our teens for a busy & gratifying experience!

Health & Safety Guidelines

School-aged Child Care Health & Safety Guidelines

The safety of our campers and staff is our top priority! We are committed to offering school-aged child care to the best of our ability within established social distancing guidelines, for those who need it, with emphasis on health and safety.

We will be following all CDC, ACA, YUSA, local health department and state guidelines, to ensure the health and safety of our campers and staff.

  • We will be focusing on trying to spread campers out and additional cleaning procedures will be in place.
  • At this time, face masks will not be required. We will allow people to decide whether or not they want to mask their child.

*All of these procedures are subject to change per state mandates and the conditions at the time of camp. Any revisions to our guidelines will be communicated through email, our website and social media.

Edwardsville YMCA